Dragan Markovic
Dragan Markovic was born on July 10, 1979. years in Leskovac. He finished the art school in Nis in 1998. He graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, Department of Painting, in 2004 in the class of Professor Andjelka Bojović, with whom he enrolled in postgraduate studies. He obtained the title of Master of Fine Arts in 2007. He has been a member of the Association of Fine Artists of Serbia (ULUS) since 2005. He acquired the status of an independent artist in 2009. For years, he has been the leader of the Winter and Summer painting workshops for children, organized by the "Friends of the Children of Belgrade" under the auspices of the Belgrade City Assembly. He obtained a teacher's license in 2018. He lives and works in Belgrade.
Solo exhibitions
2012. Solo exhibition of paintings, Rakovica Cultural Center, Belgrade
2009. Solo exhibition of paintings, Aviation Club, Zemun
2007. Solo exhibition of paintings, gallery of the Ilija Milosavljević Kolarac Foundation, Belgrade
2003. Solo exhibition of paintings, Avangard Gallery, Belgrade
Important exhibitions
2012. Exhibition of paintings of the First Belgrade Art Colony, Gallery of the Municipality of Vračar, Belgrade
2008. Spring Exhibition of Paintings, Art Pavilion "Cvijeta Zuzorić", Belgrade
2007. Exhibition of paintings, art salon of the Serbian-Greek Friendship Society, Belgrade
2007. Annual exhibition of paintings, Endowment of Ilija Milosavljević Kolarac, Belgrade
2006. Exhibition of paintings, House of Culture, Babušnica
2006. Autumn Salon, Art Pavilion "Cvijeta Zuzorić", Belgrade
2005 Exhibition of newly admitted members of ULUS, Art Pavilion "Cvijeta Zuzorić", Belgrade
2005. Drawing Exhibition, FLU Gallery, Belgrade
2005. YU Palette of Youth, XXXVII Festival of Yugoslav Youth Poetry, Vrbas
2005. Autumn Salon, Art Pavilion "Cvijeta Zuzorić", Belgrade
2005. Exhibition of paintings, SULUJ Gallery, Belgrade
2004. Exhibition of drawings and paintings, October Salon, Leskovac
2003. XXXII Exhibition of drawings and small-format sculptures by students of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Dom omladine, Belgrade
2002. Exhibition of drawings and paintings, October Salon, Leskovac
1999 Exhibition of drawings and paintings on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the School of Art Technicians "Đorđe Krstić" in Niš
2015 International Art Colony “Pliva 2015”
2012. And the Belgrade art colony of the Pero Gallery, Belgrade
Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade
Master's studies in the painting department in the class of prof. Andjelka Bojovic
Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade
Basic studies at the painting department in the class of prof. Andjelka Bojovic